Upcoming Screenings
The uncertainty over COVID has complicated our screening schedules, so we thought it might be an idea to provide some indication of the places we have secured, where you can see the film over the coming months.
Some dates are yet to be confirmed, as local regulations differ. Please check our screening page regularly for details about booking and confirmation of dates.
Richmond VC USA TBC 2020
Toowoomba City Library, Queensland. 1/9/2020
BCC Cinema, Mount Pleasant, QLD. 17/9/2020
Premiere United Nations, Geneva Switzerland TBC. 2020
Nepal International Human Rights Festival TBC 2020
International Peace Museum, Kyoto, Japan TBC 2020
APOX Film Festival. Croatia. 2020
Amsterdam, Netherlands. Date TBC
Kyoto Japan, International Peace Museum Conference. 16-20 September
Europe, International day of Peace. 21st September.
Burrinja Cultural Centre TBC
Kingston for Human Rights, Shirley Burke Theatre 29th October 7pm,
Cinema Nova, Melbourne Documentary Festival, 14-21 December.
Niagara Falls Film Festival 9-12 September TBC
San Antonio Film Festival 4-9 August
Mosaic World Film Festival 2020 18-20 September
DOCUTAH film festival, November 2-4, 2020
Ft Lauderdale, Florida Film Festival
Orlando International Film Festival, September
New Hope Film Festival
Social World Festival, USA
Indie Gathering Festival
Revelation Perth International Film Festival Dec 2-13, 2020
The 2020 Global Peace Film Festival 21st September- 4th August
Roving Eye International Film Festival, 3,4,& 8 November 2020 TBC
Lunenburg Documentary Film Festival, Canada, Sept 24-30
Newburyport Documentary Film Festival, MA, 16-18 September
Albuquerque Film Festival, Sept 22-27